Peace of Mind is All I Want...: 18 Weeks

Peace of Mind is All I Want...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

18 Weeks

Got to hear the baby's heartbeat this morning at the OBs office - sweet heaven that is the most amazing sound ever. 140 BPM and music to my ears. Naturally the minute or 2 it took to locate the heartbeat almost had me puking on the floor but all is well and the baby is perfect (as far as we can tell, anyway).

I'm doing great too! Normal blood pressure, urine and still holding steady on my weight (1 lb under pre-pregnancy weight). I'm THRILLED.

They took some blood for another screening thing (something neurological, I think)or else they're cloning me. I'm not sure which.

We have a sonogram scheduled for 8/24 at 4 PM. If everything goes as planned we should know what kind of baby we're having :-) I'm extra glad to not have to go back to work afterwards. Todd and I can sit around and be all smooshy.

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At 8/16/07, 7:13 PM , Blogger Samantha said...

It all sounds good!

At 8/17/07, 9:08 AM , Blogger decemberbaby said...

Woo hoo, 18 weeks! can't wait to hear what "flavour" your baby is!

At 8/23/07, 8:39 AM , Blogger PCOSMama said...

How exciting! I couldn't wait to find out my baby's gender.... and to make sure he was ok too (though they gave us a little scare with that, so just so you know it's not necessarily bad if they can't see everything and need you to come back again).
Way to go on the weight gain too!


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