Peace of Mind is All I Want...: Still pregnant

Peace of Mind is All I Want...

Friday, January 18, 2008

Still pregnant

Officially one day overdue.

Not that I ever thought I'd have this baby early or ON my due date.

I went to the OB yesterday morning for my 40 week appointment. It seems I'm a bit more dilated but no other real changes. Still not contractions or anything so we're taking it day by day and I go back again on 1/24 for a follow up. At that appointment we'll do a non-stress test and depending on those results schedule an (gulp) induction.

I'm hoping I go into labor tonight. A. I want to meet our baby and B. I don't want to come to work on Monday. Cross your fingers for me, okay?



At 1/18/08, 2:13 PM , Blogger Melissa said...

Oh, good luck going into labor, Chris! That must be very frustrating!!! I can't wait for the post where you share the great news that your daughter is here...

At 1/18/08, 2:23 PM , Blogger decemberbaby said...

OMG, you're overdue? Crazy... You must feel so ready to be done.

I'm sending you some labour vibes. I'm sure you've already thought of this, but go have some sex, go for a long vigorous walk, and have some more sex.

At 1/18/08, 2:30 PM , Blogger Kate said...

Sending labor vibes! Good luck!

At 1/18/08, 5:57 PM , Blogger PCOSMama said...

Many people swear that walking brings on labor.... a friend of mine was so ready for it to be done that she went and walked laps around the mall until her water broke. Maybe you could give that a try! ;)

Good luck!

At 1/19/08, 4:34 PM , Blogger OHN said...

I started preterm labor at 24 weeks and there was a list of things I WAS NOT allowed to using my logic, if you WERE to do those things, labor would begin.....let's see, sex, spicy foods, nipple stimulation, walking, and more sex. That about sums it up. :) GOOD LUCK!

At 1/21/08, 1:10 PM , Blogger nickoletta100 said...

Fingers crossed!!!! Looking forward to pics of you holding your baby!

At 1/21/08, 1:48 PM , Blogger Dr. Grumbles said...

Come on, baby!

At 2/1/08, 8:48 AM , Blogger Larisa said...

hoping you've had that baby by now. And hoping all went well.


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