Peace of Mind is All I Want...: 38 week appointment

Peace of Mind is All I Want...

Friday, January 04, 2008

38 week appointment

This morning was my 38 week appointment. I saw a different OB since mine is officially out on maternity leave and I really liked her! She had the um...honor (ha!) of doing my first internal exam during which we discovered that I am probably going to be pregnant forever. I'm not dilated at all. Not effaced at all. In fact, my cervix is completely NOT in position. The good news is that the baby is head down and is fairly low in my pelvis. At least one thing is lined up properly :-)

I could tell the doctor felt bad sharing that news with me (especially after measuring my fundal height and determining that for the first time ever I'm actually measuring 2 weeks ahead) but I wasn't surprised at all. I'm still WAY too comfortable to feel like I'm remotely close to giving birth. The women in my family are known for going overdue - I've just assumed all along that I would as well.

In other news, the Group B Strep test was negative - woohoo! No antibiotics for me. We've also gotten just about everything done for the baby that we need to. Her laundry is done, her room is mostly put together and her carseat is installed properly. We have selected a pediatrician (reminder: must program that phone number into my cellphone) and we have a sliding week reserved at the dog camp for Tallulah.

We're just about ready - hopefully this little one is too!

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At 1/5/08, 10:05 AM , Blogger nickoletta100 said...

How exciting!!!! It's almost time!!!!

At 1/5/08, 12:24 PM , Blogger PCOSMama said...

Wow, 38 weeks! You know, I assumed I would go overdue too... then at my 39 week appointment I ended up getting induced! So just be prepared that anything can happen.

Glad to hear you are still feeling very comfortable. Enjoy it as much as you can!

At 1/5/08, 6:53 PM , Blogger Samantha said...

I hope you keep comfortable in this final stretch!

At 1/8/08, 5:27 AM , Blogger decemberbaby said...

So you know, my cervix was tightly closed and posterior. I started having contractions anyway. After 15 hours of contractions I was 1cm dilated and still posterior... baby was born that night. Moral of the story: you just never know. Pack your bags!


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