Peace of Mind is All I Want...: 31 weeks

Peace of Mind is All I Want...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

31 weeks

Hey y'all! I feel like I've been gone FOREVER. My sister got married over the weekend so we had more traveling, etc going on. I'm exhausted, happy to be home and glad to be done with traveling until after the baby is born.

31 week picture. Please note the clever body positioning so you can't see all of the crap I've spilled down the front of me today. Well, everyday really. I didn't realize that one of the biggest pregnancy "symptoms" was ending up with 1/3 of what I eat down the front of me. There's nothing like finding pieces of (dry) cereal in my bra at the end of the day.

I feel really good otherwise. I have an OB appointment tomorrow where I have to decide if I want to switch doctors (my OB is due a week before me - see previous post), stick it out with her for the rest of my prenatal care or rotate through the practice. I still haven't made up my mind.

The nursery is coming along. The new floors have been installed, it's completely painted and we've moved her dresser into the room. We (Todd) still has to put the crib together, move some miscellaneous stuff out of there and get the rest of the room together. I'll hopefully have some pictures next week.

This weekend is our last Bradley class. I'll be disappointed when it's over. We've hired our instructor to be our Doula so we'll start meeting with her one on one at the beginning of December. I cannot believe how quickly time is passing!



At 11/14/07, 3:20 PM , Blogger PCOSMama said...

Lookin' good! It's amazing how fast time goes isn't it?

Get used to the stains... and the dry cereal in the bra... it only gets worse when the little ones start on solids! ;) I swear, sometimes I thought I needed the bib more than my daughter did....

At 11/15/07, 5:52 AM , Blogger Samantha said...

I figured the stains started after your kids were born... apparently not!

At 11/16/07, 10:09 AM , Blogger nickoletta100 said...

Look how cute your belly is!!! I can't wait to see pics of the nursery!


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